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Backing Young Bristol
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Becoming an apprentice can give you an edge in not only finding a job, but a steady pay packet.  You might also find something you enjoy doing and want to learn more about.



  • Ways2Work has a list of local organisations that can support you
    in finding a job.


  • If you are not sure what type of action plan or skills you need, The Connexions West service can help set realistic targets and goals to get a job.  Their website has contact details and how to contact them.


  • If you are aged 19 and above (or a Jobcentre Plus customer aged over 18), then advisors from NextStep are able to help with advice, realistic target-setting and help to get work.


  • How about volunteering?  Helping out at a local charity can not only give you job experience, but give you a “feel good factor” from helping your local area.  To find out what groups are looking for volunteers, visit the Volunteer Bristol website.  They are also able to offer additional support to some people.