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Reducing Health and Wealth Inequality


Bristol is a prosperous city, with most people enjoying a healthy lifestyle. However, several areas of the city are classed as "deprived", that is to say, areas where people experience levels of income, health, education, crime and living environment that mean they are significantly disadvantaged.


The 4 strategic actions for Outcome 2 are the primary way we will work to deliver reducing health and wealth inequality by 20:20.  All other actions also contribute to deliver this outcome.


For the purposes of analysis, the city is split into small geographic areas called "super output areas" (SOAs). Of the ones in Bristol, 39 SOAs are in the 10% most deprived in the country, of these 14 are in the 3% most deprived and 4 are in the most deprived 1%.


A full list of the areas of deprivation in Bristol can be downloaded from the Downloads section of this page.


A full analysis of the health and wellbeing needs is contained in the Joint Strategic needs Assessment (JSNA). It is used to design and deliver services and is updated annually.


Grotto building in Bristol with green leafs in foreground






"We must share the wealth and improve the health - of everyone"